Changing your Login Email Address or Password

If you wish to change your user email address or current password, please visit your Personal Settings page. From there, you can choose a new password and change the email address with which you log into Sprout.

To Change Email Address

  1. Click on your initials in the lower left hand corner of Sprout
  2. Select Settings
  3. Under Personal Information in the Personal Settings, find your email address
  4. Click the pencil icon next to your email address
  5. Make the necessary changes to your email address
  6. Click Next
  7. Verify your email address by entering the verification code that was sent to your email
  8. Click Verify


Note: If the system says that your email address is already in use, contact Sprout Support to ask to have that email address removed from our system.

To Change Password

  1. Click on your initials in the lower left hand corner of Sprout
  2. Select Settings
  3. Under Personal Information in the Personal Settings, click Change Password
  4. Make necessary changes to your password
  5. Click Change Password

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