How do I transfer account ownership?
To transfer account ownership, you must be an Account Owner. To transfer ownership:
- Navigate to Settings > Roles and Team Members.
- Scroll down to the Team Members section.
- Click
the edit icon for the team member you want to make the Account Owner. A popup appears. If you don't see an edit icon, ensure that the team member's role is set to Custom. Once the role is changed to Custom, the edit icon appears.
- Click Make Account Owner in the profile information section.
Note: Following the steps above keeps all current work intact. Cases, queued and scheduled messages send as normal.
Still need help?
If you can't complete this Account Owner change using the steps above or need help from Sprout Support, send the following information:
- Email address of the current Account Owner
- Email address of the new Account Owner
- Does the current Account Owner wish to stay on the account as a user?
Note: If you are part of an agency account, be aware that we may ask for secondary confirmation from the current Account Owner or the person in charge of the billing information before making the change to the owner's email address.
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