How do I post TikTok videos?

Rather watch a video? Check out the tutorial: How to Post Videos to TikTok?

After your TikTok profile is connected to Sprout, you can start posting videos and captions to your profile.

You can’t record or create a TikTok video within Sprout. Ensure you have your video saved to a location, like Dropbox or Google Drive, where you can access it to post.

To post an already created video to TikTok:

  1. Click Screen_Shot_2022-05-11_at_9.04.47_AM.png to open Compose.
  2. Select your TikTok profiles from the Profile Picker.
  3. Enter any text you want to include in your post. Note that usernames won't autoload as you type if you're mentioning someone, so make sure you know exactly how the username is spelled.
  4. Click Screen_Shot_2022-05-11_at_9.11.08_AM.png.
  5. Select a source for your video.
    • Videos must be at least 3 seconds and no more than 10 minutes. Additionally, videos should have a frame rate of 23fps with a max of 60fps.
  6. Select a frame for your video thumbnail by clicking on the selector arrow.
  7. Add any relevant hashtags and select any suggested hashtags.
    Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 10.33.38 AM.png
  8. Set your TikTok Options by toggling the following on/off:

    • Allow comments
    • Allow duets
    • Allow stitches
  9. Apply any relevant publishing workflows or tags.
  10. Choose when to post your TikTok video.
    • Choose Specific Days and Times, Immediately, Auto publish with Sprout Queue or select an Optimal Send Time to reach your largest audience.
    • OST-TikTok.gif
  11. Click Schedule or Send. Your video is automatically published to your TikTok profile based on the time you selected to post.

How do I see when my TikTok videos are scheduled?

After you schedule your TikTok videos, you can view the Publishing Calendar to see your scheduled and published posts at-a-glance.


Navigate to Publishing > Calendar to view a List, Week or Month rundown of all your content across your social networks. If you want to hone in on your TikTok content, select your TikTok profiles from the Profiles dropdown in the Filter Menu. From there, you can select the post types you want to view along with any tags or labels.


You can also preview any videos from the Publishing Calendar by clicking on the individual post.

Video Guide

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