Google My Business Publishing
New to Sprout Social? Learn more about our Google My Business integration and review management tools here.
You can publish posts to your Google My Business profile directly from Sprout Social.
Begin by opening Compose like you would for any other network that integrates with Sprout. Select one of your Google My Business locations and enter any text or image that you would like included in your post.
Select your Post Type. You can choose either What's New? or Event. If you choose Event, you will need to enter your Event Title and the Start and End of your event. You can optionally select a Button Type for your post.
After you've set the necessary Google My Business Options, you can send the post immediately, schedule it, add it to the Sprout Queue or save it as a draft.
You'll be able to find your Google My Business posts in the Publishing Calendar, Sprout Queue or Drafts folder, depending on the publishing method of your choice.
Why doesn’t my post appear immediately or at the time I scheduled it?
There is a lag (around 5 minutes) between your post being sent to Google and when the post actually appears on Google Search or Google Maps. You will, however, see your post immediately when you log into your Google My Business admin page.
Can I post to multiple locations at once through Sprout?
Yes. As an added benefit, posting to multiple locations at once is not available natively in Google.
Does Google My Business automatically apply link tracking to button links?
Yes, if you have a link tracking rule set up for the URL, Google My Business will auto-append to the URL entered in the Link for your button input box.
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