How do I connect Google Analytics to Sprout?

If you have a Google Analytics account you can connect your page to Sprout. The Google Analytics integration will pull traffic from your account into Sprout to provide a clear breakdown of how your social content impacts traffic to your website. Sprout pulls in website traffic and URL mentions and populates those in the Google Analytics GA4 Report.

If you're on the Professional or Advanced Plan you can also create custom URLs and parameters. Additionally, connecting a Google Analytics page does NOT count towards your profile limit.

To connect your Google Analytics account to Sprout:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Integrations under Global Features.
  3. Click Connect for Google Analytics in the Other available integrations section. The Connect a Profile popup appears.
    Google Analytics tile in Sprout's Integration settings
  4. Click Connect Google Analytics. Google opens.
  5. Complete the authorization prompts and then click Allow. You're automatically brought back to Sprout.
  6. Select the Google Analytics pages you want to connect in the Connect a Profile popup.
    A screenshot of a selection modal to choose which Google Analytics pages to connect
  7. Click Next.
  8. Update the appropriate permissions for the page and then click Save Changes.
    A screenshot of Sprout's permission modal to control access to the GA page

Your page is connected and you can start reviewing data in the Google Analytics GA4 Report.

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