How do I get started with Sprout's Salesforce Service Cloud integration?

Sprout’s Service Cloud integration helps agents easily handle all social customer care in real time with the right context. To take advantage of Sprout's Managed package in Salesforce for Service Cloud integration, you’ll need to be on the Advanced Plan and work with your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive to implement. If you’re interested in upgrading or getting started with the Managed package, reach out to your CSM or AE and they are happy to assist. 

Sprout's Salesforce integration available on the Professional Plan is known as our Core integration. This chart shows the differences between the integrations and feature availability.

Feature Core Managed package
Manually create Contacts, Leads and Cases from right rail of reply layer (does not include reply support) Green Green
View and edit Contacts, Leads and Cases Green Green
Reply from Salesforce no.png Green
Send to Salesforce Action in Macros no.png Green
Send to Salesforce Action in Automated Rules no.png Green

To get started with the Managed package, reach out to your CSM or AE who will provide you with an Implementation Guide.

Before you can begin that implementation process, however, there are some things you should know and things you can do to be prepared.

This article contains the following sections:

What do I need to know before I get started?

Keep the following in mind before you work with your CSM or AE to implement Sprout's Managed package:

  • A Trailblazer Account is needed
  • A Sprout Admin must first authenticate the Salesforce account with Sprout
  • The Salesforce Account must have the following permissions:
    • Manage Users & Customize Application - to administer the Sprout app.
    • Feed Tracking for all Related Objects on the Case Object - to create case feed items
    • Read/Write access to:
      • Cases
      • Contacts
      • Leads
  • Every agent in Service Cloud must have:
    • Each agent in Service Cloud needs Group access to your connected social profiles. Sprout recommends to create a Group for the Service Cloud agents and add every owned profile to that Group to ensure the Service Cloud agents can access the iFrame in Salesforce.
    • A Sprout user account to reply to messages
    • Access to every social profile connected in Sprout
    • Permission to reply to messages

What can I do to prepare for the Managed package installation?

Note: You must be a Salesforce Admin and have the appropriate Sprout permissions (Manage Profiles, Manage Permissions Company permissions for integrations and the Manage Advanced Inbox Feature permission) to connect your Salesforce instance. 

Before you can add the Managed package, you’ll first need to authenticate your Salesforce account with Sprout. To do so:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Integrations in the left-hand navigation.
  3. Click Connect for Salesforce.
  4. Accept the Twitter EULA terms.
  5. Select Sandbox or Production.

  6. Complete the OAuth process to securely log in to your Salesforce account using your admin credentials. If your sandbox account uses a custom domain, select Use Custom Domain on the Salesforce login screen and enter the domain before authenticating with your sandbox credentials.
  7. Click Complete. You now see Connected on the Integrations screen for Salesforce.



  1. Navigate back to the Setup Assistant.
  2. Click Next to add the Sprout Social Custom Component to a Lightning Page and follow the steps on the screen.

  3. Navigate back to the Setup Assistant.
  4. Click Next to add Permission Sets and follow the steps on the screen.
    • Two permission sets are included - the Sprout Social Integration User and the Sprout Social Standard User. The Integration user is responsible for installing and configuring the application - typically a Salesforce Admin. Assign the Standard User to any user interacting with the Sprout Social app - typically a Support Agent working in the Case object.

What permissions are required in Salesforce?

The Sprout Salesforce integration creates, reads, and updates a few objects in Salesforce. In order for your integration to work properly, you’ll need to ensure the connected integration user has the right permissions.

You’ll need permissions for the following objects and fields:

  • Contact
    • Name
    • Email
    • Mobile Phone
    • Parent Account
    • Description
  • Cases
    • Subject
    • Priority
    • Description
    • Status
    • Priority
    • Case Owner
  • Leads
    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Company Name
    • Description

For Advanced Plans only:

  • Sprout Social Post
  • Sprout Social Persona

Note: If you are using these standard objects in Salesforce, you’ll need to ensure you have  permissions set for Social Post and Social Persona.

To ensure your connected integration user has the proper permissions at the object level, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Profiles.
  2. Select the Profile for the connected integration user and click Edit.
  3. Under Standard Object Permissions, navigate to each object and check the boxes for Read, Create, and Edit.

To ensure your connected integration user has the proper permissions at the field level on the objects, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Lead OR Contact OR Case OR Social Post OR Social Persona > Fields & Relationships > Click any field listed above >  Set Field Level Security.
  2. Select the Visible box for the integration user Profile.
  3. Click Save.

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