Why can't I see demographic data for X and Listening?

This feature is only available for Social Listening customers.

Note: This deprecation went into effect on Monday, June 6, 2022.

Originally, demographic data throughout Sprout’s Reporting and Listening tools was inferred by an internal Sprout service. Sprout would use data from X follower profiles like name, location and bio to approximate the makeup of your audience by gender and age.

However, because this internal service was inferring demographic information and gender was grouped as a binary, Sprout has made the decision to deprecate this tool. This change is a reflection of Sprout modernizing our code base, and auditing code and data sources that are now outdated or incomplete. Because gender and age data is not directly available in X's API this update will ensure a cleaner experience using Reporting and Social Listening while better highlighting the data sources that do provide value and accurate insight.

This means you won’t see the X Demographics tabs in the Twitter Profiles Report, nor the Twitter Demographics widget in the Custom Report Builder.   

Listening changes

Gender data found within Listening won't appear in Topics. The changes to Listening include:

  • Removal of the gender analysis chart in the Demographics tab
  • The ability to filter by gender in the Filter Menu
  • Removal of the Breakdown by Gender charts in the performance tab

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