How can I track my team’s performance when responding to WhatsApp conversations?

You can use both the Inbox Activity and Inbox Team Reports to track your teams’ performance when responding to WhatsApp conversations.

How do I use the Inbox Activity Report?

The Inbox Activity Report helps you understand how much and how quickly your teams are getting things done in the Smart Inbox. You can see new trends in your team data not just for WhatsApp but across your connected social profiles.

From the Inbox Activity Report, select the date range you want to view team insights for in the upper-right corner.


Then, select your WhatsApp profiles from the Sources dropdown in the Filter Menu. You can take filtering a step further by selecting Message Types, particular Tags and Inbox Actions.


Now you can see how many conversations were received, how many conversations received some sort of action and the overall time to action for each conversation. These analytics can help you strategize and plan for WhatsApp responses.


How do I use the Inbox Team Report?

The Inbox Team Report helps you evaluate individual team member’s performance, identify bottlenecks and monitor performance for quality assurance.

From the Inbox Team Report, select the date range you want to view team insights for in the upper-right corner.


Then, select the Team Members you want to view insights for, select your WhatsApp profiles from the Sources dropdown and finally select relevant Message Types Replied To.


Now you can drill down and see who your top performers are and identify areas for your team members to improve. 


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