How do I use Message Templates for WhatsApp?

To initiate conversations with users or to respond to user-initiated messages that fall outside of the 24-hour rule, you can use a Message Template. You can also use Message Templates similar to a Saved Reply when responding to messages within the 24-hour rule.

Sprout comes equipped with 10 pre-made message templates for you to use in six different languages. You can also create your own Message Templates in WhatsApp Business Manager and access those templates in Sprout.

Note: Sprout only supports text-based Message Templates. Media-based templates and interactive templates aren’t supported.

To create your own Message Templates in WhatsApp Business Manager, review this WhatsApp article

To respond to messages in Sprout using Message Templates:

  1. Click Screen_Shot_2022-04-27_at_10.50.48_AM.png to open the WhatsApp message you want to reply to.
  2. Click Select WhatsApp Template. The WhatsApp Message Templates popup appears.
  3. (Optional) Search for the template title or contents and select the language you want the template in from the dropdown.
  4. Click the template you want to use.
  5. (Optional) If you selected a Message Template that uses variables, enter in text for each variable. You see a preview of what the message looks like with the text you enter.
  6. Click Use Template. The Message Template populates in the response window of your conversation.
  7. Click Send to send the Message Template or click Select WhatsApp Template to choose a different template.

A new 24-hour conversation window opens when the user responds to your message. 

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