How do I view and respond to WhatsApp messages?
After you connect your WhatsApp profile to Sprout, you can start viewing and receiving your WhatsApp messages in the Smart Inbox.
Note: You get 1,000 free WhatsApp conversations per calendar month. For more pricing information, see this article.
- A conversation includes all messages delivered in a 24 hour session. See The 24-hour rule for more details.
- Any conversation started via call-to-actions buttons on Ads that Click to WhatsApp or Facebook Page call-to-action buttons are free. The first conversation that starts from these entry points is free, then subsequent conversations with the user are charged.
How do I filter the Smart Inbox to find my WhatsApp messages?
To view your WhatsApp messages in the Smart Inbox, use the Filter Menu at the top of the screen. Select your WhatsApp profiles from the Sources Menu and then select any relevant Message Types, Tags or Languages to filter your inbox.
How do I respond to a WhatsApp message?
To respond to a WhatsApp conversation, click on the message in the Smart Inbox. If you’ve exceeded the 24-hour rule for a conversation, you can respond with a Message Template. Learn more about using Message Templates with this how-to.
What message actions can I take?
You can perform the following actions on your WhatsApp messages:
- Start a conversation
- Tag a message
- Create a case
- Mark a message as complete
Can I edit any customer information?
When you reply to a WhatsApp message, you see details about the customer you’re talking to in the right panel.
Add in contact information by clicking on the fields and adding in details. Additionally, if you have other integrations connected to Sprout, like Zendesk or Salesforce, you can create leads, tickets and contacts.
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