How do I set up my WABA for WhatsApp?

Before you create your new WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) and connect it to Sprout, ensure you’ve completed the onboarding steps outlined in this article. It is critical that you understand all the considerations and limitations to ensure the integration works properly. 



Steps to follow

First time connecting WhatsApp to Sprout

Connect a new phone number to Sprout

  1. Log in to Sprout and click + Connect a Profile.
  2. Click WhatsApp in the popup.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete setting up your WhatsApp profile in Sprout.

Connect a phone number I currently use on the WhatsApp mobile apps to Sprout

A phone number currently being used on the WhatsApp mobile apps must first be disconnected in order to be added to Sprout. Use the following steps to connect:

  1. (Optional) Make a backup of your WhatsApp conversations from your mobile app.
  2. Open WhatsApp Messenger or WhatsApp Business app on your mobile device.
  3. Navigate to Settings and tap Account.
  4. Tap Delete my account and follow the prompts.
  5. Wait 3 minutes.
  6. Log in to Sprout and follow the steps for Connect a new phone number to Sprout in this guide.

Connect a phone number I currently use with another software tool using the WhatsApp API

Due to the way WhatsApp is built, migrating phone numbers that are currently used with other tools is very difficult. For this reason, WhatsApp recommends connecting a brand new phone number.

The process to migrate a current number is time-consuming and requires coordination with Sprout. If you are still interested in migrating an existing number to Sprout:

Send an email to with answers to the following questions:

  1. What tool do you currently use to send WhatsApp messages?
  2. Is your team trained on how to use Sprout?
  3. What date would you like to start using Sprout to send messages from this phone number? Please note we will try to accommodate timelines, but cannot make any guarantees until discussing.

After WhatsApp is Connected to Sprout

Add additional phone numbers

  1. Login to Sprout and click + next to Connect a Profile.
  2. Click WhatsApp in the popup.
  3. Follow the instructions on-screen. 
  4. Select your existing WhatsApp Business Account and enter the phone number you would like to add.


After you set up and connect your WABA, incoming messages appear in the Smart Inbox in Sprout along with the rest of your networks.

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