
Use Sprout Social's WooCommerce Wordpress integration to embed your social commerce solutions into your publishing and customer care social strategies.

This article contains the following sections:

How do I access my WooCommerce catalog in Sprout? 

First, you need to connect your WooCommerce store to Sprout. Sprout automatically connects your WooCommerce catalogs.

How do I connect WooCommerce to Sprout?

To connect a WooCommerce store, you must be the Account Owner or have Manage Profiles company permission and Manage Advanced Inbox Features feature permission enabled in Sprout. To connect your account:

  1. Make sure you're logged into your Wordpress account and that your WooCommerce account is linked. For more information, see this troubleshooting article.
  2. Navigate to Account & Settings > Settings > Integrations under Global Features. 
  3. Click Connect under WooCommerce. A popup appears.
  4. Enter your store domain to go to WooCommerce.
  5. Grant permissions to Sprout to access your products.


Manage your WooCommerce integrations

You can connect up to 10 WooCommerce instances to Sprout. To manage your WooCommerce integrations:

  1. Navigate to Account & Settings > Settings > Integrations under Global Features. 
  2. Click the pencil.png pencil icon. The account modal opens.
    You can add, edit or delete your connections from this screen.
  3. Click Add New Account to connect an additional WooCommerce instance. The authorization modal opens.
  4. Enter your domain and click Go to WooCommerce to complete the authorization process.

How do I add a WooCommerce product link to a post?

To add a product link:

  1. Open Compose.

  2. Select the profiles you want to post to using the Profile Picker.

  3. Draft your content including text and media.

  4. Click image2.png  to add a product link. Your product catalog appears.

  5. Select the product catalog you want to use from the dropdown.

  6. (Optional) Search for a product by keyword.

  7. Click Insert product link. The link is added to your post.

  8. Follow any internal workflows.

  9. Schedule or submit your post.

How do I reply to customers with a WooCommerce product link?

To include a product link in a customer reply:

  1. Navigate to the Smart Inbox.

  2. Select the message you want to reply to.

  3. Click image1.png. The chat window appears.

  4. Enter your reply, and then click .

  5. Select the product catalog you want to use from the dropdown.

  6. (Optional) Search for a product by keyword.

  7. Click Insert product link. The link is added to your reply.

  8. Follow any internal workflows.

  9. Click Send or Submit For Approval.

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