How do I access my Facebook Shops catalog in Sprout?

This article contains the following sections:

How do I access my Facebook Shops catalog in Sprout?

You can access your Facebook Shops catalog to send links to your products when you reply to a customer or create a social post. 

How do I connect my Facebook Shops product catalog?

Sprout automatically connects any Facebook Shops product catalogs you have. 

As long as you have publishing permissions for your Facebook Profiles the Shops are connected to, you can access your Facebook Shops catalogs directly from Compose and when replying to a customer in the Smart Inbox. 

Click Screen_Shot_2021-12-08_at_2.49.35_PM.png to include a product link from either Compose or when replying to a customer.

If you need to re-authorize your Facebook Shops, a prompt appears asking you to reauthorize. Click Reauthorize to walk through the steps and connect your Facebook Shop.

Facebook Shops FAQs

Do I need to add my Facebook catalog to use this feature?

No. Sprout automatically checks to see if you have any Facebook catalogs available. 

My catalog isn't visible in the Catalog dropdown. How can I add it?

Reauthorize your Facebook Profile in the product picker. 

Can I connect a catalog without connecting a Facebook profile?

No, the Facebook Page that is associated with a shop or catalog must be connected to Sprout to send product links. If you have a Shopify store, use the Integration settings in Sprout to connect your catalog.

Can I apply a product tag to an Instagram or Facebook post with this feature?

No, not at this time.

The Reauthorize button is grayed out for my Facebook Shops. Why can't I connect my Facebook Shop?

The Reauthorize button grays out when all of your connected Facebook Profiles are already checked by Sprout to view your available catalogs. This means that Sprout either can't locate a Facebook Shop catalog, or your catalog might only feature services rather than products. If your catalog only contains services, it will not appear in Sprout at this time.

Why do some product images expire within 7 days in Sprout?

Facebook image URLs rotate roughly every 4 days. At this time, if you send a product from a Shop that isn't connected to the Facebook Page you're sending the reply from, Sprout can't retrieve the new image URL due to permission limitations.

If you send a product from a Shop connected to the Facebook page you're replying from, the image should update to reflect the latest Facebook image URL.

Is the Facebook user able to still see the product image?

Yes, the user can view and click the product template from Facebook.

Can I attach multiple product templates?

Yes, these attachments send individually.

How do I add a Facebook Shops product link to a post?

To add a product link:

  1. Open Compose.
  2. Select the profiles you want to post to using the Profile Picker.
  3. Draft your content including text and media.
  4. Click Screen_Shot_2021-12-08_at_2.49.35_PM.png to add a product link. Your product catalog appears.
  5. Select the product catalog you want to use from the dropdown.
  6. (Optional) Search for a product by keyword.
  7. Click Insert product link. The link is added to your post.
  8. Follow any internal workflows.
  9. Schedule or submit your post.

How do I reply to customers with a product link?

To include a product link in a customer reply:

  1. Navigate to the Smart Inbox.
  2. Select the message you want to reply to.
  3. Click Screen_Shot_2021-12-08_at_2.51.35_PM.png. The chat window appears.
  4. Enter your reply, and then click Screen_Shot_2021-12-08_at_2.49.35_PM.png.
  5. Select the product catalog you want to use from the dropdown.

  6. (Optional) Search for a product by keyword.
  7. Click Insert product link. The link is added to your reply.
  8. Follow any internal workflows.
  9. Click Send or Submit For Approval.

Can I reply to customers with a product template? 

You can include your Facebook product templates in responses to private Facebook messages in the Smart Inbox. The product template from your Facebook Shop includes the product image, name and price. 

To include a product link in a customer reply:

  1. Navigate to the Smart Inbox.
  2. Select the message you want to reply to.
  3. Click Screen_Shot_2021-12-08_at_2.51.35_PM.png. The chat window appears.
  4. Enter your reply, and then click Screen_Shot_2021-12-08_at_2.49.35_PM.png.
  5. Select the product catalog you want to use from the dropdown.

  6. (Optional) Search for a product by keyword.
  7. Click Insert Product Link. The product template is added to your reply as an attachment.
  8. Enter your reply, and then click Send or Submit for Approval.

When the product template is sent from Sprout, the person you're responding to can open the template in their Facebook private message from you and navigate to the product in your Facebook Shop.


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