Shopify integration

Deepen your social engagements by linking your Shopify instance with Sprout Social. By linking your Shopify Customers to their social profiles in Sprout, you can view their order history and details directly from the Smart Inbox. Instead of jumping back and forth between platforms, you can quickly provide order updates and details with your audiences interacting with you via social. 

Note: This integration is only available on the Professional and Advanced plans in Sprout.

This article contains the following sections:

Connecting your Shopify store

To connect a Shopify store, you must be the Account Owner or have Manage Profiles company permission and Manage Advanced Inbox Features feature permission enabled in Sprout. To connect your account:
  1. Navigate to Account & Settings > Settings > Integrations under Global Features. 
  2. Click Connect under Shopify. A popup appears.
  3. Enter your store name.
  4. Click Go to Shopify. The Shopify authentication page appears.
  5. Click Install app. Your store is now connected to your Sprout account.

Managing your Shopify integration

You can connect up to 10 Shopify instances to Sprout. To manage your Shopify integration:

  1. Navigate to Account & Settings > Settings > Integrations under Global Features. 
  2. Click the pencil.png pencil icon. The account modal opens.
    You can add, edit or delete your connections from this screen.
  3. Click Add New Account to connect an additional Shopify instance. The authorization modal opens.
  4. Enter your subdomain and click Go to Shopify to complete the authorization process.

Lookup and link Customers

You can lookup and link Shopify Customers when interacting with users in the Smart Inbox on non-review messages. Sprout automatically searches for related Customers using the social profile, name and email of the user you’re interacting with. 

When replying to messages in the Smart Inbox, you’ll either see a preview of the suggested match or a notification stating that no suggested Customers were found.

To link Customers with a preview of a suggested match:

  1. Click to reply to the conversation with the user. In the right-hand panel of the message window, you see the Link section appear in the Shopify Customer area.
  2. Click Link. The Link modal appears.
  3. Verify the Customer is a match, and then click Yes, link.


If the suggested Customer isn’t a match, click No, search for another customer. This opens the Customer search popup. Now you can:

  1. Enter the name, email or social profile of the user.
  2. Click the Customer that matches, and then click Link. If no match exists, navigate to Shopify to add the Customer.

Whenever you open a conversation with the user in Sprout, you’ll see all their connected Customer information and order history from your Shopify instance.

Viewing Order history and details

You can view order history and order details for profiles you connect to your Shopify Customers. This way, you can help troubleshoot any issues your customers might be experiencing or provide order updates without leaving Sprout. 

To view order history and details:

  1. Navigate to the Smart Inbox.
  2. Click Screen_Shot_2021-06-01_at_2.06.16_PM.pngon the message you want to view the profile and order details for. 
  3. Ensure the social profile is connected to a Shopify Customer.
  4. Click Order history in the right-hand panel of the reply window. The order history appears.
  5. Click the order you want to view details for. The order details appear. You can also click View Order in Shopify to open Shopify to view details. 

You can click the order number to open the order in Shopify or click on any tracking information in the fulfillments section to see the tracking status of the Customer’s order.

Now you can quickly provide details directly to your customer via Sprout and ensure that all order information is correct. 

Including product links

You can also include links directly to products in your Shopify store when posting to your social profiles or when replying to your customers. For more details on adding product links, see Product catalogs in Sprout.


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