Canva integration

Get creative with your social media assets  by adding Canva images directly from Compose. Instead of digging through folders to find the right media content to post, head directly to the Canva design editor to import media directly from a design folder or create something beautiful and brand-approved on the fly.

Adding images to a post

You can add your images from your Canva account directly to your messages in Compose. To add media from Canva:

  1. Open Compose in Sprout.
  2. Select the networks you want to post to from the Profile Picker.
  3. Enter the text of your message.
  4. Click image2.png.

  5. Click Design on Canva. The Canva design editor opens.

  6. Log in to your existing Canva account or create a new one.
  7. Select a new template, grab a file from a personal folder or upload a locally saved file and edit it in Canva.

  8. Finalize your image. Depending on the networks you select in step 2, Sprout defaults to the appropriate Canva presets for the network. 
  9. Click Publish. Your image is added to Compose and is ready to post.
    • Note: Any files you create via Sprout are NOT saved to your Canva account due to an API limitation. Only media created through Canva’s app can be saved to your Canva account.

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