Which network Reports include organic vs. paid data?

For connected profiles, Sprout Social provides total metrics that include organic and paid activity where possible in our reports. However, in some cases Sprout has to provide an organic-only value due to network limitations. This article provides an overview of this information to help you to better understand the results you are seeing in your Reports.

In the following tables, these terms refer to the following:

  • Total - organic + paid data
  • Organic - Organic data only
  • N/A - Not applicable

Profile-level Reports

This table applies to the following reports: 

  • Profile Performance
  • Twitter Profiles*
  • Facebook Pages*
  • Instagram Business Profiles*
  • LinkedIn Pages* 
  • Pinterest Performance
  • YouTube Videos
  • TikTok Profiles*

*excluding the Top Posts widget

Note: Profile-level reports display data about the results during the selected date range.

Metric Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest YouTube TikTok Threads
Audience Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Unavailable
Audience Gained / Lost Total




(with Organic vs Paid metric breakdown)

Total Total Unavailable Unavailable
Impressions Organic


(with Organic vs Paid metric breakdown)


(with Paid breakdown and Total metric rollup)

Organic N/A N/A Total (only available in the Profile Performance Report) Organic
Engagements Total


(with Paid breakdown and Total metric rollup)


(with Paid breakdown and Total metric rollup)

Organic N/A Total Total Organic
Post Link Clicks Organic


(with Organic vs Paid metric breakdown)

N/A Organic N/A N/A Unavailable N/A
Video Views Organic


(with Organic vs Paid metric breakdown)


(with Paid breakdown and Total metric rollup)

Organic N/A Total Total N/A

*Threads isn't currently available for the Tag Performance Report.

Post-level Reports

This table applies to the Post Performance and Tag Performance Report along with all Top Posts widgets in the profile-level reports. 

Note: Post-level reports display information based on posts that were published during the selected timeframe. Results that appear reflect the lifetime performance of a post.

Metric Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest YouTube TikTok
Impressions Organic Total* Organic Organic N/A N/A Total
Engagements Total Total Organic Organic Total Total Total
Post Link Clicks Organic Total N/A Organic N/A N/A Unavailable
Video Views Organic Total Organic Organic N/A Total Total

*For the Facebook Post Performance Report, you can find the Organic vs. Paid Impressions breakdown by clicking Share in the top-right of the report and exporting it as a CSV file.

Sprout doesn't currently support PAC or DCO ads within the Post Performance report at this time.

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