Reporting FAQs

This article contains the following information:

Report Demo Mode: Why am I seeing Sprout Coffee reports instead of my own?

For new trial customers, Sprout generates sample reports from a fictional company called Sprout Coffee - known as Report Demo Mode. This can be switched off by clicking on the toggle at the top of the report to reveal your own reporting data but please note that it may take up to 24 hours for your data to pull in after a new profile has been connected to Sprout.



Why is data unavailable?

Occasionally, you may see a notification on one or more of your reports that indicates reporting data is unavailable in the selected reporting period. There are a few reasons why this happens, including:

  • The selected profile(s) was recently connected.
    • Sprout might not populate data in a report immediately upon profile connection. Once a profile is connected, data collection begins and can sometimes take up to 24 hours before information for that profile appears in the application.
  • You are trying to view a date range from before you connected the profile to Sprout.
    • Depending on the network, Sprout might not display data from before the initial connection date for the profile. While Facebook and LinkedIn pages do provide some backfilled information, Twitter and Instagram profiles only provide the most accurate information from the date they are connected. 
  • The selected profile(s) are currently disconnected from Sprout
    • If the profile(s) you selected in your report are currently disconnected from Sprout, reporting data isn't available. You can verify if a profile is currently disconnected by looking for Issues in your Notifications Drawer. If you see an Issue, reconnect the profile as soon as possible to mitigate any data loss.

Additionally, if you selected a report period where a profile had previously been disconnected, Sprout will warn you that data may be incomplete. For Twitter and Instagram, Sprout is unable to backfill any data during the disconnection.

To learn more about profile disconnects, check out our helpful troubleshooting article.

Inbox Activity Report FAQs

Why don't I see data in my Inbox Activity Report?

If you don't see data in your Inbox Activity Report, it could be due to the lack of inbound messages from your audience. Sprout determines your response rate in the Inbox Activity Report Report by analyzing incoming Tweets and comments/posts sent to your accounts that require a response (the algorithm looks for things like who, what, where, when, why and other "question" indicators in your incoming messages).

If you're only posting status updates and not engaging with your audience, there might not be many inbound messages that require a response, which means Sprout might not have enough data to run an accurate report.

Note: Keep in mind that it generally takes 24 hours after you connect a social profile to see data in Sprout.

Why does my Inbox Activity Report data vary per user?

The Inbox Activity Report data can vary based on the time zone of the user viewing the report. So, if two users are viewing the report for the same date range, they will likely see different data if they have different time zone settings.

Users can configure their individual time zone settings under Account and settings > Settings > Personal > Time Zone.

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