Featured Topics
Featured Topics are expertly curated queries that help Sprout Listening customers stay on top of the most critical conversations impacting their communities.
Many Listening customers create either the same or very similar Topics based on global or national events like the current Coronavirus outbreak or 2020 US presidential elections.
Featured Topics enable all Sprout Listening customers to keep track of such events without having to use a Topic that counts against their total limit.
You can select a Topic from the Featured Topics section along the left navigation bar.
Featured Topics also appear at the bottom of the Listening Home page.
You can understand how a Featured Topic was built in the Query Builder edit view by clicking at the top of the Topic card, and then selecting View Query.
These Query Builder views provide deep insight into how each Featured Topic has been crafted by a member of our Listening Product Team. Featured Topics are not editable.
These views also provide an educational opportunity for you to learn how an expertly crafted query can reduce noise while focusing on the conversations that matter most for a Topic.
You can view the Insights Dashboard of a Featured Topic by clicking on the Topic card.
Once you're viewing the dashboard, you can use the Filter Menu across the top to focus and narrow the Topic in any way that you see fit for your analysis.
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