What data is available in Reports?

When you connect a profile, Sprout automatically retrieves historical data for that profile. The length of historical backfill and the time it takes to pull data into Sprout depends on the network you connect.

The following table provides a high-level view of what data is generally available. 

Network - The connected profile, account or report type.

Report Data - The kinds of report data collected.

Backfill - The amount of time or the amount of data from which Sprout can pull historical data.

Update Schedule - The frequency of updates and the amount of data pulled into Sprout during each update.

Top-level comment: The "first-level" of comments under a post (i.e. a comment that is responding to the post, not another comment).

Network Report Data Backfill Update Schedule



Profile Metrics (Reporting Period) Audience Metrics: None
Other Metrics: 1 year back
Every day, getting today's data



Published Posts & Metrics (Lifetime) From the past 1 year

Every day, getting the last 90 days of messages

X Ads


Paid Metrics (Reporting Period) 180 Days

Every day, updating the last 3 days

Every 3 days, updating the last 7 days



Profile Metrics (Reporting Period) 2 years Every day, update the last 10 days.



Profile Engagement Metrics (Reporting Period) No Backfill Every day, refreshing the last 90 days of metrics on posts to calculate profile metrics for Comments, Shares, Reactions, Post Link Clicks and Other Post Clicks



Published Posts & Metrics (Lifetime) Last 500 posts Every day, refreshing metrics on posts from the last 10 days

Facebook Ads


Paid Metrics (Reporting Period) 720 days Every day, updating the last 28 days

Facebook Competitor


Posts & Metrics (Lifetime)

500 posts Every day, getting the last 10 days of posts

Facebook Competitor


Profile Metrics: Followers (Reporting Period)

Does not backfill Audience data

Every day, getting today's data. Follower counts for owned Facebook Pages are delayed up to 48 hours.

Instagram Business


Profile Metrics (Reporting Period) Two years for most metrics, but only as early as they date you converted to Instagram Business. 30 days for follower count. Every day, updating the last 10 days.

Instagram Business


Published Posts & Metrics (Lifetime) Posts: Last 10,000 posts, but only as early as the date you converted to Instagram Business. Stories: None

Posts: every 15 minutes you're active in Sprout and update the last 10 posts within the last day.
Every day, getting the last 500 posts within the last 90 days.
Stories: Every hour, get and update all stories within the last 24 hours.


Instagram Business


Stories & Metrics (Lifetime) No backfill Every hour, getting and updating all stories within the last 24 hours.

Instagram Business


Reels & Metrics (Lifetime) From 01/01/2021 Every day

Instagram Competitor


Posts & Metrics (Lifetime) N/A Every day, getting the last 10 days of posts.

Instagram Competitor


Profile Metrics: Audience (Reporting Period) Does not backfill Audience data but can backfill the last 30 days of posts Every day, getting today's data



Posts and Metrics (Lifetime) 185 days

Every day, get the last 185 days of posts.

Every day, refresh metrics for the last 30 days of posts.



Profile Metrics (Reporting Period)  1 year Every day, update the last 3 days.



Published Posts & Metrics (Lifetime) Last 90 days of posts Every day, refreshing metrics on posts from the last 45 days.

LinkedIn Ads


Paid Metrics (Reporting Period)   180 days Every day, updating the last 30 days.



Profile Metrics (Reporting Period)  None Every day, getting today's data.



 Published Posts & Metrics (Lifetime) All posts

Every 15 minutes, getting the last 500 posts.

Every day, updating the last 10 days of post activity.

Google Analytics


   30 days  

Google Analytics 4




Sprout backfills 1 year of data with a maximum of 10,000 data entries into Sprout. 

Google Analytics doesn't do any backfills on newly created GA4 properties, so shorter history in Sprout will exist if Google hasn't collected data further back on a newly created GA4 property.




Published Posts & Metrics 30 days of videos upon initial connection, all-time 72 hours after connection Every Day. Note that, due to network limitations, YouTube videos and their metrics may be delayed by 72 hours



Account Insights & Audience Metrics 60 days of metrics upon initial connection. Every day, updating the last 10 days. Follower count cannot be backfilled. Only net audience growth for 60 days.



Video Videos from the past 365 days, up to a total of 500 videos

Every day, metrics from at least 100 videos from at least 10 days in the past.



Comments For each video, the most recent 500 most recent top-level comments. On each top level comment, the 90 most recent replies to that comment. On each video that has new comments since the last poll, gather the 100 most recent comments and 90 most recent comment replies.



Video Insights Insights from the past 365 days up to a total of 500 videos' metrics Every day, metrics from the past 7 days until a total of 100 videos' metrics are gathered. Data may be delayed up to 72 hours.



Account The account aggregated metrics as well as the previous 60 days worth of metrics per day. The account aggregated metrics as well as the previous 10 days' worth of metrics per day.


Read this article to better understand the difference between Reporting Period and Publishing Period (also known as Lifetime) data gathering.

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