Sprout Queue and ViralPost
New to Sprout Social? Learn more about our Sprout Queue, ViralPost and Optimal Send Times here.
The Sprout Queue is a great way to add multiple posts for your profiles and publish them automatically throughout the day. Used as a complement to your existing publishing strategy, the Queue streamlines the distribution of content that isn't time-sensitive.
#SproutTip: The Sprout Queue is great for evergreen blog posts, tips about your product, pictures of kittens, etc.
This article explains how to configure and use the Sprout Queue, as well as gives you a thorough understanding of how ViralPost works, so you can use it to maximize the potential velocity of the content you send across your social profiles.
This article contains the following sections:
- Content Management
- Configuring your Sprout Queue
- Adding a post to your Sprout Queue
- Managing Queued content
- Pausing the Queue
- Disabling the Queue
Content Management
There are two options when it comes to content management within the Sprout Queue.
Note: You must have the Manage Sprout Queue Publishing feature permission in order to access the queue.
To navigate to your Sprout Queue:
- Navigate to Account and settings > Settings > Publishing.
- Click Sprout Queue.
Here, you can see all your connected social profiles and how they're currently configured in the Sprout Queue.
Configuring your Sprout Queue
You can manually configure profile Queues one at a time or edit Queue Settings in bulk.
Configuring the Queue manually
To configure the Queue manually:
- Select one or more profiles.
- Click Edit or Edit Multiple if you selected more than one profile. The Configure Queue Settings modal appears.
- Select your Scheduling Method for the profiles, by selecting Manual times that you set yourself.
- Set your Post Time Settings.
- Select Individual Day or Weekdays/Weekends from the Set By dropdown.
- Click the dropdown for each individual day or weekday/weekend to set specific times.
- Click Add Another and select the hour, minute and AM or PM time to post. You can add up to 10 times per day.
- Click Save.
- (Optional) Select Use these settings when adding new profiles.
- Click Save on the Configure Queue Settings modal.
Configuring your Queue with ViralPost
Sprout's patented ViralPost technology takes the guesswork out of scheduling for you. Instead of manually configuring the Sprout Queue, enable ViralPost in the Configure Queue Settings modal.
To configure the Queue with ViralPost:
- Select one or more profiles.
- Click Edit or Edit Multiple if you selected more than one profile. The Configure Queue Settings modal appears.
- Select your Scheduling Method for the profiles, by selecting ViralPost.
- Set your ViralPost Settings. To do this:
- Select whether you want to set ViralPost times by the Individual Day or Weekdays/Weekends.
- Select the number of times to post from the dropdown.
- Set your time range by selecting the hour, minute and am/pm time for each day or weekday/weekend.
- Click Save.
ViralPost can release content up to 10 times per profile, per day.
Adding a Post to your Sprout Queue
After you configured your Queues for your social profiles, you can put them into practice when drafting your content.
After you put your message together in Compose, When to post dropdown menu and then click Sprout Queue.
Queue Next adds your post to the top of the Queue. Queue Last adds it to the end. You can have up to 50 posts queued per profile at a time.
Managing Queued Content
To manage content in the Sprout Queue, navigate Publishing > Sprout Queue.
The right panel displays your Queue Profiles and includes the number of posts currently queued.
After selecting a profile, that profile's Queue Settings appear in the Right Bar. Manually configured Queues show designated content release times. Queues using ViralPost show the designated content release timeframe. Send times chosen by ViralPost appear at the bottom of each message.
Management options for queued posts appear along the bottom of each message.
You can also drag and drop messages to arrange them in the preferred order.
Pausing the Queue
In the event that something occurs in the world that takes precedence over your social content, you can pause all of your Queues.
To pause an individual Queue, click the Edit button that corresponds with that profile. In the Configure Queue Settings modal, toggle the Sprout Queue Status to Off.
To pause content across all profiles, click Pause All in the upper right of the Sprout Queue home screen.
Any content in your Sprout Queue remains until the Queue is Active, at which point, the Queue determines new publishing times for all posts.
Disabling the Queue
To disable the Sprout Queue, click Disable Sprout Queue at the top of the Queue settings page.
Disabling the Sprout Queue deletes all messages currently queued, removes it as an option when composing messages and removes it from the left navigation bar of the Publishing tab.