How do I use Generate Post by AI Assist?

If you're looking for new ideas for your social posts, Generate Post by AI Assist can help. You can use this tool to create text post inspiration and keep creativity flowing.

What's Generate Post by AI Assist?

You can use AI Assist to generate text post suggestions that you can send to Compose to edit or publish. There are two flows:

Generate Posts using top-performing posts: This flow uses the top 20 text posts with the most engagement (posted within the past year) as a source of creative ideas to produce original posts that align with your brand's voice.

Custom Topic: This flow generates a new post about the topic of your choice. You can also narrow down which profiles you want to use as brand voice inspiration. AI Assist reads the top 20 performing posts to understand your brand's voice and generate new content.

How does it work?

To use Generate Post by AI Assist to generate text from top-performing posts:

  1. Access your Publishing calendar by clicking Publishing > Calendar on the left navigation.
  2. Click the AI Assist icon at the top. AI-Assist-icon.png
  3. Select Generate From Top performing posts from the chat dropdown.
  4. Choose a post option to send to Compose to adjust the tone or generate additional options.


To use Generate Post by AI Assist to generate text from a custom topic:

  1. Access your Publishing calendar by clicking Publishing > Calendar from the left navigation.
  2. Click the AI Assist icon at the top. AI-Assist-icon.png
  3. Select Generate From Custom Topic from the chat dropdown.
  4. Enter the topic for the text you want generated and select a profile or profiles to best suit your brand voice for this post.
  5. Click Generate Post.
  6. Choose a post option to send to Compose to adjust the tone or generate additional options.



Will my data be used to train a large language model?

No. This feature uses a version of Claude that's inside of Sprout’s in-house environment (VPC). No data leaves Sprout’s environment or is shared with Claude/the model itself. Therefore, we can guarantee that your data isn't used to train the LLM.

Can I disable this AI Assist?

This can't be opted out, but you can choose not to use it.

What type of feedback are you looking for on this feature?

If you have feedback on the quality of specific posts, submit that in the app directly by using the thumbs down button and providing details about what you don't like.

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