What data is available in Reviews?
When you connect a Reviews profile, Sprout automatically retrieves historical data for that profile. The length of historical backfill and the time it takes to pull data into Sprout depends on the network you connect.
The following table provides a high-level view of what data is generally available.
Network - The connected profile, account or report type.
Message Type - The kinds of message data collected.
Backfill - The amount of time or the amount of data from which Sprout can pull historical data.
Update Schedule - The frequency of updates and the amount of data pulled into Sprout during each update.
Network | Message Type | Backfill | Update Schedule |
Rating | Reviews from the last 90 days up to a maximum of 500 reviews. | Every 15 minutes when you're active in Sprout to update the last 50 ratings. | |
Google My Business | Review, Review Response | 2,000 reviews with replies attached. | Every 15 minutes with the last 7 days of reviews and replies when you're active in Sprout. Every 10 hours, up to 2,000 reviews and their replies. |
Yelp | Review, Review Response | 200 most recent reviews with replies attached, regardless of date and not including any reviews marked Not Recommended. | New reviews are brought in in real-time. |
TripAdvisor | Review, Review Response | 750 reviews with replies attached. | Update reviews once per day. Every 15 minutes when you're active in Sprout, at least the latest 200 reviews with replies if no new reviews were posted. |
Google Play Store | Review, Review Response | Up to 500 most recent reviews with replies attached. | Every 30 minutes while you're active in Sprout, pull in up to the 500 most recent reviews with replies attached. |
Apple App Store | Review, Review Response | Reviews 1 year prior to the connection date, up to 2,000 most recent reviews with replies attached. |
Every 30 minutes while you're active in Sprout. Find reviews created within the past 4 days. Doesn't exceed 2,000 reviews.
Every day find reviews created in the past 7 days. |
Glassdoor | Review, Review Response | Get the 150 most recent reviews with replies attached. | Every 4 hours when you're active in Sprout. Get the 20 most recent reviews or all new reviews up to 150. |
Trustpilot | Review, Review Response | Get the 10,000 most recent reviews with replies attached. | Every 30 minutes while you're active in Sprout. Once a day get the most recent 2,000 reviews. |
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