How do I bulk update user permissions?

With Bulk User Permissions you can access the Roles and Team Members page to bulk update access to Groups and Social Profiles, without making what feels like hundreds of clicks. Plus, Sprout safeguards you so that all Team Members are accounted for when making bulk changes, so you can feel secure knowing you’re assigning the appropriate permissions and giving and revoking access where you need it.

To put it in perspective, you can use Bulk User Permissions to give access to a particular Group across your users - say if you needed to get 10 users access to the Sprout Coffee Co. Group. 

Or you might want to give access to profiles across users - say within the Sprout Coffee Co. Group you want to give 10 users Read Only access to Sprout Coffee Facebook and Full Publishing to Sprout Coffee Instagram.

Or you want to manage access to a profile across users - say you want to give 10 users Needs Approval to Sprout Coffee Facebook. You can go to a Group where Sprout Coffee Facebook belongs (like Sprout Coffee Co.) and update the Sprout Coffee Facebook to Needs Approval.

This article contains the following sections:

How do I give bulk access to Company and Feature Permissions?

Before you get started with your bulk updates, it's important to note that you must have the Manage Permissions permission to access the Roles and Team Members page to many any bulk updates. Additionally, there are some Company and Feature Permissions that only an Account Owner can assign.

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Roles & Team Members under the Account section. This opens your Roles & Team Members for your Sprout account.
  3. Scroll to the Team Members section.
  4. Use the filters to find the set of users you want to perform the bulk permission update on. You can filter by:
    • Groups and Social Profiles
    • Roles
    • Permissions
    • Teams
  5. Click the right-most checkbox to bulk select users that you want to grant access to Company and Feature Permissions to.
  6. Click Quick actions and select Give a permission. The Give a Permission popup opens.
    Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.50.12 AM.png
  7. Select the permission you want to give by either scrolling or typing in the name of the permission.
    Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.51.40 AM.png
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the permission changes.
  10. Click Save. You can make any adjustments by clicking Go Back.

How do I give bulk access to Groups and Profiles?

Before you get started with your bulk updates, it’s important to note that you must have the Manage Permissions permission to access the Roles and Team Members page and to make any bulk updates.

To bulk give access to Groups & Profiles:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Roles & Team Members under the Account section. This opens your Roles & Team Members for your Sprout account.
  3. Scroll to the Team Members section.
  4. Use the filters to find the set of users you want to perform the bulk permission update on. You can filter by:
    • Groups and Social Profiles
    • Roles
    • Permissions
    • Teams
  5. Click the right-most checkbox to bulk select users that you want to grant access to Groups & profiles to.
  6. Click Quick actions and select Give access to Groups & profiles. The Give Access to Groups & Profiles popup opens.
  7. Select the Group you want to give access to.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the Profile Access you want to grant to the users. Choose from the Profile Permissions dropdown or select Approve Others for the listed profiles.
    Note: By default, No Change is selected for the Profile Permissions dropdown.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review the Group and profile access changes. If everything looks good, click Save. You can make any adjustments by clicking Go back.

How do I bulk remove a Company and Feature Permission?

To bulk remove a Company and Feature Permission:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Roles & Team Members under the Account section. This opens your Roles & Team Members for your Sprout account.
  3. Scroll to the Team Members section.
  4. Use the filters to find the set of users you want to perform the bulk permission update on. You can filter by:
    • Groups and Social Profiles
    • Roles
    • Permissions
    • Teams
  5. Click the right-most checkbox to bulk select users that you want to remove a permission from.
  6. Click Quick actions and select Remove a Permission. The Remove a Permission p popup opens.
    Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.50.12 AM.png
  7. Select the permission you want to remove.
    Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.50.44 AM.png
  8. Click Next
  9. Review the permission changes and then click Save.
    Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.49.43 AM.png

How do I bulk remove access to a Group?

To bulk remove access to a Group:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Roles & Team Members under the Account section. This opens your Roles & Team Members for your Sprout account.
  3. Scroll to the Team Members section.
  4. Use the filters to find the set of users you want to perform the bulk permission update on. You can filter by:
    • Groups and Social Profiles
    • Roles
    • Permissions
    • Teams
  5. Click the right-most checkbox to bulk select users that you want to remove Group access to..
  6. Click Quick actions and select Remove access to a Group. The Remove Access to a Group popup opens.
  7. Select the Group you want to remove access to.
  8. Review the Group access changes. If everything looks good, click Save. You can make any adjustments by clicking Go back.

How do I bulk remove access to a profile?

To bulk remove access to a profile:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Roles & Team Members under the Account section. This opens your Roles & Team Members for your Sprout account.
  3. Scroll to the Team Members section.
  4. Use the filters to find the set of users you want to perform the bulk permission update on. You can filter by:
    • Groups and Social Profiles
    • Roles
    • Permissions
    • Teams
  5. Click the right-most checkbox to bulk select users that you want to remove profiles access to.
  6. Click Quick actions and select Remove access to a profile. The Remove Access to a Profile popup opens.
  7. Select the Profile you want to remove access to.
  8. Review the profile access changes. If everything looks good, click Save. You can make any adjustments by clicking Go back.

Can I bulk update a profile permission instead of removing a profile for multiple users?

To bulk update a profile permission vs. removing a profile to multiple users:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Roles & Team Members under the Account section. This opens your Roles & Team Members for your Sprout account.
  3. Scroll to the Team Members section.
  4. Use the filters to find the set of users you want to perform the bulk permission update on. You can filter by:
    1. Groups and Social Profiles
    2. Roles
    3. Permissions
    4. Teams
  5. Click the right-most checkbox to bulk select users that you want to update a profile permission for. 
  6. Click Quick actions and select Give access to Groups & profiles. The Give Access to Groups & Profiles popup opens.
  7. Select the Group the profile belongs in. For example, Sprout Coffee Co.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Change the profile access, for example, Sprout Coffee Facebook from Needs Approval to Full Publishing.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review your changes and then click Save.

What are some other conditions to know about?

During your bulk update process, you could run into some situations that would either leave a user without any way to access Sprout or you might conflict with already established roles with different profile access assigned.

If a user belongs to a role with different profile access assigned, a popup appears where you can either:

  • Apply the Group and profile access you selected to the overall Role OR
    • Noting that this action would give Group and Profile access to everyone within the Role
  • Move the selected Team Members to custom permissions that override the established Role

If your bulk updates remove the ability for a user to access Sprout, you receive a warning letting you know that changes won’t be applied to the user.


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