Twitter Profiles Report

Sprout’s Twitter Profiles Report helps you understand your audience and how they interact with your content. Use this information to analyze your audience and build a publishing and engagement strategy that speaks to your brand’s demographics and drives performance.

Customizing the report

Use the filter groups in the Filter Menu to select the profiles you want to view performance data for.


Twitter Performance Summary 


This section summarizes your key statistics in the reporting time period.

Impressions: Twitter Impressions is the number of times that all of your posts were displayed to a user during the reporting period. This includes impressions when your posts are retweeted (without comment) by other users. This includes organic activity only. 

Engagements: The number of times that users engaged with your posts during the reporting period, including when they liked, @replied, retweeted, or clicked on your posts. This includes both organic and paid activity.

Post Link Clicks: The number of times that users clicked on the link in your posts during the reporting period. This includes organic activity only.

Twitter Audience Growth


This section breaks down your follower growth during the report period.
Followers: The total number of Twitter followers on the last day of the report period.
Net Followers Growth: Net number of Twitter followers you acquired during the reporting period.
Following: Number of users you are following on Twitter on the last day of the reporting period.

Twitter Publishing Behavior


This section shows the different types of posts you published during the selected time period. It includes:

Total Published Posts: This is the number of tweets, retweets with comment, and @replies that you published during the selected date range.

Published Videos: The number of posts that contain a video.

Published Photos: The number of posts that contain a photo but no video.

Published Links: The number of posts that contain a link but no photo or video.

Published Text: The number of posts that contain only text.

Twitter Top Posts

This section allows you to compare all your Twitter profiles against each other.


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