What's included in the Inbox Activity Report?

The Inbox Activity report provides a holistic view of your team’s social care efforts by presenting trends of incoming message volume and identifying the rate and speed of actions taken on messages by your teams. This report can help you answer how much and how quickly you and your team are getting things done in the Smart Inbox.

Note: This report is only available on Professional and Advanced Plans and you must have the Engagement Reports permission to access it. 

The Inbox Activity Report helps you to see new trends in team data and provides additional insight into your team’s overall activity across networks. The following sections provide more detail about the report’s data.

This article contains the following sections:

Configuring the report

Use the Filter menu across the top of the Inbox Activity Report to hone in on the data you want to see. Using the Sources dropdown, select the networks you want to view metrics for. Filter a step further by selecting the relevant Message Types and any Tags. 

Then expand the Inbox Actions dropdown to filter on various actions like Reply, Complete, Tag and Like so you can analyze your team’s performance based on the actions that matter most.


Messages from Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and Google Business are included in the Inbox Activity Report.

Report widgets

The Inbox Activity Report contains multiple widgets that provide chart and graph breakdowns of your team's activity.

Inbox Activity Summary

The Inbox Activity Summary at the top of the report shows a snapshot of key performance metrics for received messages and inbox actions for the time period you specify.

The report only counts actions that were made by users in Sprout. Any message that was only acted upon automatically (through an Automated Rule, for example) don’t appear in the count of actions, action rate or average time to action. 


Inbox Volume widget

The Inbox Volume widget shows the total volume of received messages and actioned messages, along with your team’s overall action rate for the time period. If you’re a Premium Analytics customer, you’ll see the following widget:


If you’re not a Premium Analytics customer, your widget appears like the following:


Average Time to Action widget

The Average Time to Action widget provides an answer to the question, “How long does it take my team to first respond over this time period?” Responses in this widget are defined by the Inbox Actions you select in the Filter Menu. You also see an average time to action for your team, along with additional breakdowns by time period.


Day of Week Breakdown widget

The Day of Week Breakdown widget provides an answer to the question, “What’s my team’s action rate, on average, on the day of the week a message was received?” In this widget, you can see the days when your action rates are the lowest and highest and make corrections where needed. 


Time of Day Breakdown widget

The Time of Day Breakdown widget provides an answer to the question, “What’s my team’s action rate, on average, at the time of day a message was received?” In this widget, you can see the hours when your action rates are the lowest and highest. You can use the Day of Week Breakdown widget and the Time of Day Breakdown widget together to understand the relationship between your team’s capacity in responding to messages vs. time your team can respond. 



Mobile reporting

You can access the Inbox Activity Report on Sprout's Android and iOS application. To check on your team's performance on the go:

  1. Open the Sprout Social mobile app.
  2. Tap Screen_Shot_2021-09-08_at_10.28.06_AM.png in the lower-right corner.
  3. Tap Reports.
  4. Scroll down to the Internal Performance section.
  5. Tap Inbox Activity.
  6. Set your date range.
  7. Set your filters.
  8. Tap View Report to generate a mobile PDF.

From here, you can share the report by tapping Image_from_iOS.jpg

Premium Analytics: Configuring the goal time

If you have access to the Inbox Activity Report settings and are a Premium Analytics customer, you can set a goal time for how quickly you want your team to take action on a received message in your current Group.

To set a goal time:

  1. Navigate to Account and settings > Settings.
  2. Click Reporting Settings under Reporting and Listening.
  3. Enter the Hours and Minutes for your goal time.Screen_Shot_2021-08-05_at_9.23.18_AM__1_.png
  4. Toggle showing the goal time in the Inbox Activity Report to on.
  5. Click Save.


Are private messages included in the report?

How are automated actions calculated in the report?
Automated actions are not currently calculated in the report. 

How are messages to and from bots reflected in the report?

Actions taken by bots are distinguishable from actions taken by humans for the sake of this report. Bot actions behave the same way as automated actions, and are not included in this report.

Messages sent to bots will count in total received messages.

Messages replied to by bots will not count as messages replied to by a human.

Any auto-completions or tags on FB Bot Replies will not count as actions made by a human.

Are all Twitter reply actions counted in the Inbox Activity Report?
Yes, with the exception of a Sprout user responding to a Tweet that doesn’t mention your brand or company’s profile. For instance, if a Sprout user opens the conversation view for a Tweet thread and responds to a Tweet in the thread that doesn’t mention your brand or company, the reply action won't appear in the Inbox Activity Report. This is because the Tweet that was replied to wasn’t originally ingested by Sprout. 

How is Action Rate calculated?
The number of total actioned messages divided by total received messages during the reporting period

Are Business Hours supported in the report?
Yes. The report supports the custom business hours feature and treats business hours the same way the Inbox Team Report does:

  • Business hours are set at the profile level. If you have a mix of profiles with business hours and without, the report shows a ‘blended' first reply time. For example, profiles that don't have business hours use calendar hours to calculate time to action. For profiles that have business hours set up, configured business hours are used to calculate time to action. As a result, the overall time to action is blended. If you don’t want a report with blended insights, filter on only profiles that have the same business hours.
  • Action times take into account business hours at the time of the action. If business hours are configured or edited after an action happens, action time calculated for actions before the change won’t update. In other words, updating business hours is only a forward-looking change and does not backfill.

What happens if multiple actions are taken on the same message?
The first logged action is used for calculating time to action/response time in the report, and is not double-counted.

How do the Tags filter and Tagged action in the Inbox Action relate?

The Tagged action in the Inbox Actions filter applies to any messages where the Tagged action was taken, and isn’t limited to messages containing only the Tag value selected from the Tags filter. The first four report filters are applied and the result is a set of messages evaluated in the report. The Inbox Actions filter is then used to select messages where any tag action was taken.

How far back can I view action data in the report?
May 1, 2021.

Are comparison date ranges supported?
Yes, but not before May 1, 2021.

Is creating a Case a message considered an Inbox Action?

Are deleted messages included in the report?


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