AI Privacy and Security FAQs

Does Sprout Social sell my data to OpenAI?
No, Sprout doesn't sell customer data to OpenAI. Per our API terms with OpenAI, OpenAI doesn't use any customer data we share with them for service improvements (including model training).

Where does my data go?
Sprout uses two types of AI models: in-house models and third-party sources like OpenAI. In Sprout’s in-house models, we store customer data within Sprout. 

When using a third-party source, like OpenAI, Sprout shares your inputs with that source. OpenAI doesn’t use that data to train their models. 

What data is OpenAI using?
The inputs you type into specific Sprout features powered by OpenAI (e.g. Enhance by AI Assist) are shared with OpenAI. Examples include keywords you’re tracking, a drafted social media post and an agent’s response to a customer through Sprout.

How do I turn off OpenAI capabilities?
By default, the OpenAI integration is enabled. Account Owners can turn off the OpenAI integration.

To disable the OpenAI integration:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Account Settings > OpenAI Integration.
  2. Unselect Enable OpenAI Integration.
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