Zendesk integration


Zendesk is a customer service platform designed for companies to create customer relationships that are more meaningful, personal and productive.


Note: As of March 1, 2024 this integration is only available on the Advanced Plan.

By connecting Zendesk to your Sprout account, support agents who work exclusively in Zendesk and team members who actively work within Sprout use bidirectional, internal communication to resolve issues.

This article contains the following sections:

Connecting your Zendesk account 

To connect a Zendesk account, you must be the Account Owner or have Manage Profiles company permission and Manage Advanced Inbox Features feature permission enabled in Sprout. To connect your account:
  1. Navigate to Account & Settings > Settings > Integrations under Global Features. 
  2. Click Connect under Zendesk.
  3. Enter your Zendesk subdomain, and then click Go to Zendesk to connect via OAuth.


Note: To use the full functionality of the integration, it's recommended that you connect a Zendesk admin account, rather an a Light Agent account. A Light Agent accounted can be connected to Sprout, but will have a very limited experience.

Managing your Zendesk integrations

You can connect up to 10 Zendesk instances to Sprout. To manage your integrations:

  1. Navigate to Account & Settings > Settings > Integrations under Global Features. 
  2. Click the pencil.png pencil icon. The account modal opens.
    You can add, edit or delete your connections from this screen.

  3. Click Add New Account to connect an additional Zendesk instance. The authorization modal opens.
  4. Enter your subdomain and click Go to Zendesk to complete the authorization process.


Managing Zendesk Users and Tickets in Sprout

You can manage your Zendesk Users and tickets directly from Sprout’s Smart Inbox. When you receive a message in the Smart Inbox relating to an issue, you can link relevant social profiles to Zendesk Users and then view, edit, create and comment on all Zendesk tickets from Sprout. 

Note: Any Zendesk Ticket previously created using Cases remains in the Case tab and you can still comment on the Ticket from the Case tab. You can’t create any new Tickets from Cases. 

Linking or creating Zendesk Users

Sprout attempts to automatically look up Users from your Zendesk instance. Sprout checks for the name and email and attempts to match it with Users in your instance. 

To see potential matches, click Screen_Shot_2021-04-13_at_9.38.41_AM.png to open a message from the Smart Inbox.

In the right-hand panel, you see profile information for the user. 


If Sprout finds a match, you see their information with the option to Link. Click Link to open the Linking popup and then click, Yes, link to confirm. If the suggested user isn’t a match, click No, continue searching. 


In this modal, you can search for existing users. If you can’t find the user, click Create new Zendesk User. Sprout automatically prefills the fields. You can make edits or add any additional details, and then click Create User.


Creating and managing Tickets in Sprout

After you connect your Zendesk User to a social profile in Sprout, you can create a Zendesk Ticket. To create a Zendesk Ticket:

  1. Navigate to the Smart Inbox and open the message you want to create a ticket for.
  2. Ensure a User is matched in the right-hand side panel.
  3. Click Screen_Shot_2021-04-13_at_9.39.43_AM.png next to Zendesk Tickets.
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Enter a descriptive subject.
    • Assign a Priority (optional).
    • Assign a Type (optional).
    • Enter the related User.
    • Enter a description. This is where the message history gets pre-filled.
    • Enter Zendesk tags (optional).
  5. Click Create Ticket.

Now the Ticket appears in the Zendesk Tickets section in the right-hand panel. You can make any edits to your Ticket by clicking into the fields on the Ticket. You can also click View All Tickets to see a list of all Tickets open with a particular User.


Commenting on Tickets 

You can view and add comments to any Zendesk Ticket in Sprout. Use comments to coordinate with support colleagues using Zendesk or to document the status of the Ticket. You can also add private comments for your team. 


Editing User and Ticket data in Sprout

After you link social profiles to Tickets and Contacts, each time you open a conversation with that user, their profile view contains all of their Zendesk data.


You can edit their data directly from the profile view by clicking into the field. Make your updates and click Save. Their data is updated in Sprout and in Zendesk.


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