Broadcasting with Slack

Alerting employees of new and exciting stories to share is a great way to promote program engagement. In addition to email and push notifications, you can broadcast Stories to Slack channels, inviting advocates back into Employee Advocacy.

Connect a Slack account

If you're an Admin in Employee Advocacy, you can connect your company's Slack account. To connect:

  1. Navigate to Company Settings > General.
  2. Select Connect to Slack in the Enable broadcasting to Slack section.
  3. Enter your Slack domain.
  4. Submit your company's Slack domain and confirm authorization.

Note: You can find your Slack Domain within your profile, i.e.

Broadcasting a Story to Slack

After you connect Slack, you can start broadcasting Stories. To broadcast a Story:

  1. Navigate to the Story you want to broadcast.
  2. Click the Story.
  3. Click image2.png> Broadcast.
  4. Select Slack and choose the proper public channel.
  5. Click Send Broadcast.

A link and preview of the story appears in the public Slack channel you selected. Clicking the link takes an employee back to Employee Advocacy, where they can read the content and share across their networks.

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