Send to Advocacy
You can generate content for your advocacy program directly from Sprout Social using Send to Advocacy.
Send to Advocacy provides multiple ways for you to seamlessly pass content from Sprout to Employee Advocacy.
From the Calendar List view in Sprout, you can pass Sent Messages to Employee Advocacy's Sources. To send a message to Employee Advocacy click . A success message prompt appears with a link to the Employee Advocacy feed.
You can also pass links and articles to Employee Advocacy's Sources feed from the Find Content view in Sprout. To send a message to Employee Advocacy click Send to Advocacy. A success message prompt appears with a link to the Employee Advocacy feed.
From Employee Advocacy Sources, Admins & Curators have two options: curate the social post itself or only include the link within the social post.
Select the article or post from Sources. Next, click Edit to curate.
From the curator modal, select between the original article or the social post from the article you are sharing, if both are available.
Once you are done editing, click Add Story.
Note: You must have access to the Advocacy Report in Sprout in order to access Send to Advocacy. If you use both Sprout and Employee Advocacy and don't have Advocacy Report access, reach out to your Employee Advocacy Account Manager.
Send to Advocacy FAQs
Are there any limitations for what content comes over from Sprout?
Yes, there are some network specific limitations:
- For Twitter, you can curate the social post and not the original article.
The following sent message post types can be sent from the Sprout Calendar List and Week views to Employee Advocacy via the Send to Advocacy option:
Facebook link posts
Facebook photo posts
Twitter posts
LinkedIn posts
Can Send to Advocacy bring over stories with images or photo stories?
Yes, however, these kinds of stories will come through as a social message, not a photo story.
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