How do I use Share Again Reminders in Employee Advocacy?

  • Must be an Employee Advocacy customer
  • Admins must have permissions for Reminder settings
  • All users must have permissions to access personal settings and receive reminders

Share Again Reminders eliminate the need for you to manually re-engage your Employee Advocacy users. You can set recurring reminder campaigns (emails or push notifications) to prompt users to come back to EA and share a story.

This article contains the following sections:

What are Reminders?

Reminders enable you to target and reach out to recently inactive users automatically.You can set a cadence to detect user inactivity and Advocacy can reach out to them via email or push notification to return to share content.

Any user is eligible to receive the email Reminder. The email includes text encouraging users to come back and share, a link to direct them back to Advocacy and suggestions for relevant stories to share.

To receive the Mobile Push Notification Reminders, the user must be logged into the Employee Advocacy mobile app installed on their phone. Within the mobile push notification, we'll include a short copy encouraging readers to come back and share, and by clicking on the push, they'll be routed to the EA mobile app.

How do I set up Reader Activity Reminders?

To use the Reminder system:

  1. Click the General tab in Settings.
  2. Toggle Reader Activity Reminders to ON.
  3. Select the method for how you want to send the Reminders: email alert, mobile push notification or both.
  4. Select the cadence you want Reminders to repeat. Choose from every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months or 3 months.

What are the available Reader Reminder Opt-Out and Admin Controls?

While Readers can turn off Reminders by default, Admins can disable this and force Readers to receive emails by toggling OFF the existing setting Allow users to Opt Out of Content Emails. Turning that setting off prevents users from opting out of Reminder emails through their Advocacy accounts.

If you choose not to disable that setting, readers can Opt-Out of receiving Reminder emails through their Personal Settings on both web and mobile devices. On the web, the setting is under Email Subscriptions and on mobile it’s under Profile > Push Notifications.

If Readers aren't getting emails or alerts after removing the ability to opt-out, it's most likely due to the reader’s device settings or email filters. If they filter out emails from Advocacy or turn off all Advocacy notifications on their mobile devices, they won’t receive these Reminder alerts.

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