What's included in the Twitter Competitors Report?
New to Sprout Social? Learn more about how our Twitter Competitors Report fits into our social media analytics suite here.
The Twitter Competitors Report lets you track and compare the performance of other Twitter profiles against your own. Additionally, you can benchmark your efforts against the average of the profiles being compared.
Note: You must have the Manage Competitor Profiles Reports feature permission to add competitor profiles to this report.
This article contains the following sections:
Getting started
Choose the date range by clicking on the date picker at the top of the Report. You can select a preset time length or set a custom date range using the calendar.
Click Filters to customize the data you want to see in the report.
Select which profiles you’d like to compare under Your Profiles.
Select which profiles you’d like to compare under Your Profiles.
Click the Competitor Profiles dropdown to add and select competitor profiles.
If you want to review competitors only, you can hide your Profiles from the bottom of the Profiles dropdown.
Note: There is a limit of 20 competitors per group for this report.
Select Share to download a CSV or PDF, send a PDF or schedule a PDF version of the report.
Overview tab
The Overview tab provides a high-level look at performance metrics and averages between you and your competitors.
The Summary section gives you an overview of how your profiles are performing against your competitors.
These metrics include:
- Followers Average: the number of users who followed the account as of the last day of your selected time period, per selected profiles
- Public Engagements Average: the number of times that users engaged with posts during your selected time period
- Public Engagements per Post: the number of engagements for posts published to the page during your selected time period
Audience Growth
In the Audience Growth section you can see how your audience grew compared to your competitors. Competitor Average metrics display the average values for all the profiles you select.
Audience Growth also shows your averages against your competitors, including:
- Followers: followers your profile had on the last day of the reporting period
- Net Follower Growth: the number of new users who followed your profile minus the ones who unfollowed your profile during the selected time period
- % Follower Growth: the percent change in followers from the beginning to the end of the selected time period. This is equal to net follower growth divided by the followers on the first day of the selected time period.
Publishing Behavior
In this section, you can view different types of posts you and your competitors published during your selected time period. You can use the chart to get a breakdown of posts by profile against your competitors.
Top Posts
Top Posts shows you top posts based on public engagements. You can view engagements in aggregate, by competitors or by your owned profiles. The posts that appear in this section are based on lifetime public engagements.
If you’re a Premium Analytics user, you can view reactions, comments and shares for the selected time period.
Metrics include:
- Public Engagements: the total number of times that users reacted to, commented on or shared the post during the post’s lifetime.
- Reactions: the number of users who liked your post during its lifetime. This metric includes both organic and paid activity.
- Comments: the number of times users @replied to your post during its lifetime. This metric includes both organic and paid activity.
- Shares: the number of times that users retweeted your post during its lifetime. This does not include the number of times users included a comment when retweeting your posts. This metric includes both organic and paid activity.
The Engagement section helps you evaluate how people are engaging with your and your competitors’ posts during your selected time period. You can view the chart to get a breakdown of public engagements by engagement type against your competitors by network.
Profiles tab
The Profiles tab provides aggregate activity for profiles and the posts published during the time period you select. The table provides an overall average of your profiles and then compares it against your competitors' average. You can view data on followers, engagements, published content types, shares and reactions.
Metrics include:
- Followers: the number of Twitter followers you had on the last day of the reporting period
- Net Follower Growth: the net number of Twitter followers you acquired during the reporting period
- Published Posts: the number of tweets, quote tweets, and @replies that you published during the selected date range
- Public Engagements: the number of times that users engaged with your posts during the reporting period
- Public Engagements per Post: the number of engagements for posts published to the page during the selected time period
- % Follower Growth: the percent change in followers from the beginning to the end of the selected time period. This is equivalent to net follower growth divided by the followers on the first day of the selected time period.
- Published Videos: the number of posts that contain a video
- Published Photos: the number of posts that contain a photo but no video
- Published Links: the number of published posts that contain a link, but no photo or video
- Published Text: the number of posts that contain only text
- Likes: the number of times users liked your posts during the reporting period
- @Replies: the number of times that users commented on or replied to your posts during the reporting period
- Retweets: the number of times that users retweeted your posts during the reporting period. This does not include the number of times users sent a quote tweet of your posts. This metric includes both organic and paid activity.
Will I have to select my owned profile and competitor profile in the Twitter Competitors Report?
Yes. Upon your first visit, one of your owned profiles is selected and a competitor profile won't be selected. You have to select your preferred owned profile and competitor profiles to see comparison data.
Will the Twitter Competitors Report keep my historical data?
Yes. You won't lose any historical data.
After connecting a net-new Twitter profile (owned or public), how long will it take to backfill the data?
It takes about 24 hours to backfill Twitter profile data.
Why am I getting a "Gathering Data" message?
This message means that Sprout has started gathering data for a new competitor for you and doesn’t have any data at this time. Sprout monitors activity and displays data within a few hours to a few days, depending on the metric.
Why am I getting a "Data Unavailable" message?
This message means Sprout doesn't have any data for the competitor for the selected date range. As a result, Sprout can’t compare this profile to others.
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