Report Builder

New to Sprout Social? Learn more about how our Report Builder fits into our social media analytics suite here.

Using the Report Builder in Sprout you can create reports that are specific to your business needs. With a variety of report widgets available, display your most important data that supports the stories you need to tell.

Note: Report Builder is available as part of Sprout's Premium Analytics package.

Custom report use cases

You can use the Report Builder in a variety of ways. Whether you want to copy an existing Sprout report to add in additional widgets or build your own paid reporting widget with added details and text, you can create a report to fit your needs.

Some additional use cases include:

  • Brand health - layer listening insights with paid and organic data to understand the overall scope of your brand.
  • Initiative analysis - highlight the impact of a current initiative by using listening data alongside growth, engagement or brand awareness KPIs.
  • Topic vs. topic - compare topics' performance to gauge larger conversation and social trends.

Creating a report

You must have the Manage Custom Reports permission to create custom reports with the Report Builder. If you don't have Manage Custom Reports, contact your Sprout Account Owner.


To create a custom report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Click Custom Reports in the left-hand navigation bar.
  3. Click Build Report to open the Report Builder.
  4. Enter a report name and description.
  5. Select the widgets you want to include in the report.
  6. Click Save.
  7. (Optional) Set your date range for the report.
  8. (Optional) Share, download or schedule the report. 

The report appears in the left-hand navigation under the Custom Reports dropdown. 

Note: There is no limit to the number of reports you can build in Sprout.

If you need to make any updates to your custom reports, navigate into the report and then click ICON and then Edit. You can also delete a report you're no longer using from this menu.

Available report widgets

You can add up to 100 widgets to your custom report. Choose from:


  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Cross-Network
  • Listening 
  • Text Assets

Click each dropdown to see a list of available widgets and then click each widget you want to add. 

You can hover over the Lifetime and Reporting Period badges for information on which timezone the data is in for that particular widget, as well as how Sprout selects that data.




Customizing report widgets

After you add your widget to the report, you can choose how you want data to appear. Click  Screen_Shot_2017-12-14_at_4.04.28_PM.png on the widget and select Chart, Table or %Change. The metrics or charts available varies based on the data in each widget.

Rearrange widgets by clicking Screen_Shot_2017-12-14_at_4.09.22_PM.png . Clicking an arrow moves the widget up or down one space at a time.

To remove a widget, click  Screen_Shot_2017-12-14_at_4.10.49_PM.png on the widget.

Using the Text Asset widget

The Text Asset widget enables you to build better breakdowns and explanations for your custom reports. Using this widget you can link out to articles, charts, photos and other reports with the hyperlink functionality. Using rich text features you can customize the information you want to include.


If you're a Premium Analytics customer, you can:

  • Create bold, italic and underline text
  • Create bulleted lists
  • Create numbered lists

  • Create hyperlinks075ac687-ddc5-402e-96d4-1c7ad773c8fe.png

Customizing existing Sprout reports

If you want to make edits or adjustments to existing Sprout reports, duplicate and edit one of the following reports:

  • Profile Performance Report
  • Twitter Profiles
  • Facebook Pages
  • Instagram Profiles
  • LinkedIn Pages

When you're in one of those reports, click Duplicate & Edit in the lower right corner of the screen. This takes you to a copy of the report that you can rearrange, edit and add or remove widgets as needed.


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